DeskPins helps a lot in putting your priority applications above your other windows that are also open in your desktop. Pinning them on top not only makes it accessible but it also saves you the time from having to dig through the numerous tabs you are using. This is the best way to av...
Deskpins 就可以啊,介绍: 看官网 支持 Win10【转发】@:该内容请至手机客户端查看
它支持全局自定义热键,支持钉住多个窗口!DeskPins 文件极小、占用的系统资源可以忽略不计!当你同时打开多个窗口时,DeskPins就显得非常有用!你可以同时钉住两个窗口,即使用你后台打开多少个窗口,你也可以方便的在你钉住的这两个窗口间来回切换! 九点软件园小编对真实下载地址介绍...