DeskPins helps a lot in putting your priority applications above your other windows that are also open in your desktop. Pinning them on top not only makes it accessible but it also saves you the time from having to dig through the numerous tabs you are using. This is the best way to av...
Full Specifications GENERAL Release October 8, 2024 Latest update October 8, 2024 Version 1.32 OPERATING SYSTEMS Platform Windows Operating System Windows XP Windows 8 Windows 10 Windows Vista Windows 8.1 Windows 7 Windows 2000 POPULARITY Total Downloads 14 Downloads Last Week 2Report Software...
Requires:Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP Downloads:9091 times TIP:Click Here to Repair or Restore Missing Windows Files Download@MajorGeeks Download@MajorGeeks Rate This Software: 5 (9 votes)1 .Booo2 .Not Geeky3 .Average4 .Good5 .Geek-o-licious ...
6 years agoDownload Creek Our Rating8 /10 LicenseFreeware WindowsXP/Vista/7 DeskPins is a tool that has been designed by Elias Fotinis. Released in 2008, this tool provides the ability to manage display of your Windows. Being used by various users, this application has been awarded from ...
DeskPins (DeskPins.exe). DeskPins can be used to make any application topmost, that is, to keep it above all other windows.
#17On Windows 10 if each monitor is using different DPI, screen capture window takes portion of the screen. Workaround is to make sure all your monitors are using the same DPI. PinWin was initially designed to improve productivity on a single monitor, to avoid context switch. With multiple...
DeskPins alows you to pin any app so that it stays on top of whatever else is open. It’s a small 96KB download that takes up almost no space and overhead when running but can make things a little easier. As the site says:
Find the best programs like DeskPins for Windows. More than 17 alternatives to choose: Always on Top, DeskLock, PinMe! and more
To use DeskPins for Windows, download the free program fromSoftonic. DeskPins is also available as a free app for Windows 8 from theWindows 8 Appstore. Using DeskPins After you download the software and restart your computer, a pin will appear on the toolbar (a/k/a the taskbar) at the...
Microsoft PowerToys is a system utility that can help all users of Windows 10 and Windows 11 to unlock a wide array of additional functionalities.The Most Useful App for Windows 11 and Windows 10. Originally offered more than two decades ago to Windows 95 users, this latest version of system...