DesiredCapacity Yes Integer Desired capacity MinSize No Integer Minimum number of instances. Value range: 0-2000. MaxSize No Integer Maximum number of instances. Value range: 0-2000. 3. Output Parameters Parameter NameTypeDescription RequestId String The unique request ID, generated by the server,...
This loss of capacity has been attributed to a progressive buildup of lead sulfate on the negative plate, especially at the bottom. Since the battery is not brought to a full state of charge in PSoC duty (see, e.g., Figure 9(b)), there is no routine method available to remove this...
How does such a downstream capacity constraint affect the system Eq. (5) ? Given the traffic speed the outflow between and is given by . Thus the outflow rate is given by The traffic demand of the network can be defined as: (24)If we impose the downstream supply restriction the out...
Performance for MAC Level Channel Capacity in Cognitive Radio with Carrier Sense Multiple Access and Transmitting Power Control. In Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), San Francisco, CA, USA, 5–8 September 2011; pp. 1–5. [Google Scholar] Lehtomaki, J.J...