Chapter 1. Designing for People This book is almost entirely about the look and behavior of applications, web apps, and interactive devices. But this first chapter is the exception to … - Selection from Designing Interfaces, 3rd Edition [Book]
Designing Interfaces, 3rd Edition的创作者· ··· Jenifer Tidwell作者 作者简介· ··· Jenifer Tidwell has been designing and building user interfaces for industry for more than a decade. She has been researching user interface patterns since 1997, and designing and building complex applications ...
Expectations for digital interfaces Research Method This report is based on user research with young adults (young professionals, postgraduate students, undergraduate students, and young adults without undergraduate degrees) aged 18-25 years old. We used 4 different research methods: One-on-one usabili...
The 3rd dimension of CHI (3DCHI): touching and designing 3D user interfaces Hrvoje Benko, Frank Steinicke, Antonio Kruger, Ken Anderson, Daniel Keefe, Jonna Hakkila, Jen-Baptiste de la Riviere, Leena Arhippainen, Minna Pakanen CHI Extended Abstracts 2012|May 2012 ...
Designing Globally Accepted Human Interfaces for Instant Messaging Chiuhsiang Joe Lin1, Dylan Sung2, Ching-Chow Yang1, Yung-Tsan Jou1, Chih-Wei Yang1, and Lai-Yu Cheng1 1 Department of Industrial Engineering, Chung-Yuan Christian University, 200, Chung Pei Rd., Chung- Li, Taiwan 32023, R...
Steinicke, F., Benko, H., Kru¨ger, A., Keefe, D., de la Rivie´re, J.-B., Anderson, K., Ha¨kkila¨, J., Arhippainen, L., and Pakanen, M. The 3rd dimension of chi (3dchi): touching and designing 3d user interfaces. In CHI-EA (2012)....
Cerezo, E., Marco, J., Baldassarri, S. (2015). Hybrid Games: Designing Tangible Interfaces for Very Young Children and Children with Special Needs. In: Nijholt, A. (eds) More Playful User Interfaces. Gaming Media and Social Effects. Springer, Singapore.
Some of the challenges of designing for interactive newsprint are highlighted further in a study of pen-and-paper user interfaces. When designing for these types of interfaces, Steimle (2012) proposes a model which separates semantic from syntactic level activities of interaction between paper and ...
Thus, seeing organised clusters as ever-changing entities in the process of ‘becoming’ full-fledged organisations and social actors (Tsoukas and Chia2002; Clegg et al.2005), we formulate the following research questions: how do clusters engage in social action as organised collective entities? Ho...
This stage encompasses the elaboration of the structural design of the MR application, the progression of the development cycle, the integration of models into a virtual environment, the implementation of user interfaces utilising MRTK 2.0, the deployment of the application onto the headset, the evalu...