在广播网络中,OSPF协议要选出一个指定路由器(DesignatedRouter,DR)。DR有几个作用,以下关于DR的描述中,()不是DR的作用。 A. 减少网络通信量
【答案】:B 在OSPF中,区域(Area)是一个网络,由一组临近OSPF路由器集合构成。区域中有且只有一个指定路由器(Designated Router,DR),用来与区域中其他路由器交换链路状态通告(LSA,Link State Advertisements),其它路由器则只能通过指定路由器来发送自己链路状态更新包。这样做好处是减少了路由器之...
首页 确定DD(Designated Router确定DD(Designated Router技术教程 ospf的邻居状态机有哪些 , 邻居的建立过程是怎样的? OSPF邻居状态机包括初始状态、2-way状态、Exstart状态、交换LSA状态和Loading状态。建立过程包括Hello包的发送和接收,确认收到对方的Hello包后进入2-way状态。 未希 2024-05-18 0075 ...
在广播网络中,OSPF协议要选出一个指定路由器(DesignatedRouter,DR)。DR有几个作用,以下关于DR的描述中,()不是DR的作用。 A.减少网络通信量 B.检测网络故障 C.负责为整个网络生成LSA D.减少链路状态数据库的大小 你可能感兴趣的试题 单项选择题 运行OSPF协议的路由器每10秒钟向它的各个接口发送Hello分组,接收He...
In an OSPF network having two or more routers, one router is elected to serve as the DR and another router to act as the BDR. All other routers in the area forward their routing information to the DR and BDR, and the DR forwards this information to all of the routers in the network...
Backup Designated Router ABDRis the router that becomes the DR if the current DR has a problem or fails. The BDR is theOSPFrouter with second highest priority at the time of the last election.3 Exam Warning Be aware that there will only be a single DR and single BDR per segment. All ...
Based on the network type, OSPF router can elect one router to be a Designated Router (DR) and one router to be a Backup Designated Router (BDR). For example, on multiaccess broadcast networks (such as LANs) routers defaults to elect a DR and BDR. DR and BDR serve as the central ...
OSPF Designated Router Cisco Community Technology and Support Networking Routing OSPF Designated Router Bookmark | Subscribe | Options Go to solution UncleJP Level 1 Options 04-23-202001:38 PM I was studying OSPF, and I had a thought. Is there ALWAYS a DR and BDR in an OSPF network?
例句 释义: 全部 更多例句筛选 1. OSPF elects a designated router (DR) to be the focal point of all link-state updates and link-state advertisements. OSPF选举指定路由器(DR)来当作所有链路状态更新和链路状态广播的中心。 www.cyut.edu.tw©...
+ 添加翻译 英文-中文字典 指定路由器 An OSPF router that forms adjacencies with all other routers on a multiple access network. MicrosoftLanguagePortal 显示算法生成的翻译 将“ designated router "自动翻译成 中文 错误 再试一次 Glosbe Translate 错误 再试一次 Google Translate 类似于 "...