1) Design-Expert Design-Expert 1. Design and Optimization of Falcon Separation Test UsingDesign-ExpertSoftware; 采用Design-Expert设计进行优化Falcon分选试验 2) Design Expert Design Expert 3) design expert system 设计型专家系统 4) engineering design expert system ...
design-expert是什么意思 网络 设计专家词组短语用法例句 1. For the SOA expert, it means that he or she must be able to create an architecture that applies principles of service orientation and commonly known design patterns for SOA. 对于SOA专家,这意味着他或她必须能够创建良好的体系结构,其中应用了...
Design-Expert 1. Design and Optimization of Falcon Separation Test UsingDesign-ExpertSoftware; 采用Design-Expert设计进行优化Falcon分选试验 3) design design 4) Processor Expert Processor Expert 1. This paper describes the CAN bus communication protocol,provides detailed introduction on configuration of MSC...
design_expert使用教程.pdf,DX71-04C-MultifactorRSM-P1.doc Rev. 1/24/07 Multifactor RSM Tutorial (Part 1 – The Basics) Response Surface Design and Analysis ® This tutorial shows the use of Design-Expert software for response surface methodology (RSM).
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