The point here is that each person involved in a matter of concern will bring their own things they believe in more or less, practices and courses of action they prefer more or less, have their own epistemological standards determining what to them seems more or less true and relevant. To ...
.×. = . . = 3.63 mm Considering a corrosion factor of 1/16 inch, a plate is selected from ¼ inch or 6 S = Allowable material stress (93.8 MPa) 14 of 28 E = Welded joint efficiency (0.85) EDDP===WVUeVeslpsdeespeldsederjiolavimdneiteasetsemfefir lce(7itie6nen2rtc.e0y(r7m...
It’s not until you’ve had gentiles over for Seder and watched them exchange wide-eyed glances as you dipped your finger into a glass of wine and dripped it onto the plate while chanting the ten Plagues of Egypt (Blood, Frogs, Lice, Boils, et cetera) that you notice that this is on...