Harry KleinTali MazorPriti KumariAndrea OvallePavel TrukhanovJason HanselJoyce YuJames LindsayMichael HassettEthan CeramiCancer research
cardboard industry effluent Olive oil mill effluent Filtered groundwater TiO2 conc a 1 g/L 1 g/L 1 g/L 0.75 g/L 0.2 g/L 0.2 g/L 1 g/L 0.2 g/L 0.2 g/L 2 g/L 1 g/L 1 g/L g UV-A Destruction (W/m2) Percent (%) NA 96 NA 90 24–30 100 35–45 30 30 70.5 76 ...
sustainability Article A Hybrid Estimation of Distribution Algorithm for Multi-Objective Multi-Sourcing Intermodal Transportation Network Design Problem Considering Carbon Emissions Shou-feng Ji and Rong-juan Luo * School of Business Administration, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110167, China; sfji@mail....
integrity sha512-x1FCFnFifvYDDzTaLII71vG5uvDwgtmDTEVWAxrgeiR8VjMONcCXJx7E+USjDtHlwFmt9MysbqgF9b9Vjr6w+w== dependencies: tslib "^2.0.1" async-retry@1.3.3: version "1.3.3" resolved "https://registry.npmmirror.com/async-retry/-/async-retry-1.3.3.tgz#0e7f36c04d8478e7a58bdbed...
Analysis results demonstrate the stability of the chassis and the results are well within safety limits.Sidharth N. PisharodyShama RavichandranR. SureshPraveen KittaliT. S. Aswin KumarAIP Conference Proceedings
Insights from these reviews are used to offer a preliminary conceptual framework for addressing health in neighbourhoods.doi:10.2148/benv.50.1.168Hatuka, TaliElhanan, GalBloom, AmitaiBuilt Environment
doi:10.1177/16094069221118766Baden, ChristianPasitselska, OlgaAharoni, TaliTenenboim-Weinblatt, KerenSAGE PublicationsInternational Journal of Qualitative Methods
Brendan L. WestJian ZhouRonald G. DreslinksiOliver D. KripfgansJ. Brian FowlkesChaitali ChakrabartiThomas F. WenischComputers, IEEE Trans. on (T-C)
The proposed metasurface has good potential applications in a linearly and or circularly polarized antenna as a layer superimposed on another, behaves like a reconfigurable polarization of the antenna.Samiran PramanikSaikat Chandra BakshiDebasis MitraChaitali Koley会议论文...
Design, security and implementation of learning focal point algorithm in a docker containerdoi:10.11591/ijeecs.v33.i1.pp416-424Mansour, Salah EddineSakhi, AbdelhakKzaz, LarbiTali, OussamaSekkaki, AbderrahimIndonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science...