Process Design PPT
Quality by design—质量源于设计--最终定稿.ppt,* 1 质量源于设计 —符合决策树相关概念 Ronald D. Snee Snee Associates, LLC 第九届年度承包和外包大会 New Brunswick, NJ 2011年9月23~24日 原材料(Xs) 失效模式影响分析 工艺控制 设计空间 风险等级 关
design quality control设计质量控制 新品设计质量控制 •设计流程/规格制定•材料CTQ管控•试验流程/CTQ管控•设计放行 Preparedby:SimonYuanDate:Aug.29,2007 设计流程/规格制定 标准的设计流程现状:1客户要求产品规划2产品质量特性3技术要求产品设计工艺设计4元器件/部件参数5工艺参数1每个阶段不明确,相应的文件...
design课件ppt https://wenku.baiduX 202XWORKSUMMARY 设计课件 汇报人:XXX 202X-12-30 REPORTING 目录 •设计概述•设计的基本要素•设计的方法与流程•设计的实践与应用•设计师的素养与技能 https://wenku.baiduX PART01 设计概述 设计的定义与特点 定义 设计是把一种假想通过公道的计划、周密的计划,...
DesignProcess Lesson1DesignProcess OBJECTIVESWhatarethedesignstepsofthelandscapearchitecture LessonVocabulary Nouns Expressions Questionnaire refinementCulminationcontractinventory Functionaldiagrams intheoryinorder LandscapeDesign DesignProcess Lesson1DesignProcess INTRODUCTION Landscapedesigncombinestheartand scienceof...
Chapter (1) Design Process 1.1 The Procedure of Design The process of design of mechanical systems or machines consists of a few steps to be followed in order: 1. Recognition: - Recognition the need. - Description of problem statement. 2. Synthesis - Identifying all possible solutions and mak...
ppt课件-engineering design process(工程设计过程).ppt,Engineering Design Process 10 Stages Of the Engineering Design Process / Design (Definition) The process of originating and developing a plan for a new object Requires research, thought, modeling, in
QualityConsideration Thenatureofdemand Cost Variety Howmuch Flexibility Whatdegree Volume Expectedoutput Thekeytrade-off ProcessSelection ProcessTypes Projects JobShops BatchProcessing Repetitive/Assembly ContinuousProcessing Figure3.6 Product-ProcessMatrixforProcesses ...
Lesson3theDesignProcess Translation虽然设计师的工作是技能和创造力的特殊融合,设计过程也只有在合作的基础上才能顺利进行,这种合作是设计团队与公司内部或客户相关部门人员的合作。proper正确的,合适的 FirststepsParagraph1Designworkproperbeginswithabriefsettingouttheaimsandobjectivesofaprojectandoutliningcertaintargetsand...
Engineering Design Process Scientific Method vs. Engineering Design Process Place the descriptors in the appropriate box to define the Scientific Method and the Engineering Design Process Human needs and wants Hypothesis Exact starting point Closed ended Continuous improvement Identify constraints Design Define...