Get hands-on experience with each Gang of Four design pattern using C#. For each of the patterns, you’ll see at least one real-world scenario, a coding example, and a complete implementation including output. In the first part ofDesign Patterns in C#, you will cover the 23 Gang of Fou...
🍃 Flyweight(C design pattern) Intent Use sharing to support large numbers of fine-grained objects efficiently. Explanation Real world example Alchemist's shop has shelves full of magic potions. Many of the potions are the same so there is no need to create new object for each of them. In...
What Factory Design Pattern Is? The Factory Design Pattern is a commonly used design pattern where we need to create Loosely Coupled System. Basically, it comes under Creational Pattern and it is used to create instance and reuse it. Factory Pattern is based on real time factory concept. As ...
Now, let's create a new example ofDBConnectionFactorybased on the abstract factory pattern. Real-world example: Let's consider a real-world example wherein you access multiple databases in your application. Assume that you need to connect to two databases SQL Server, and PostgreSQL databases to...
🌿 Composite(C design pattern) Intent Compose objects into three structures to represent part-whole hierarchies. Composite lets clients treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly. Explanation Real world example Every sentence is composed of words which are in turn composed of ...
Programmatic Example The sane alternative is to use the builder pattern. First of all we have our burger that we want to make classBurger {protected$size;protected$cheese=false;protected$pepperoni=false;protected$lettuce=false;protected$tomato=false;publicfunction__construct(BurgerBuilder$builder) ...
The abstract factory pattern provides a way to encapsulate a group of individual factories that have a common theme without specifying their concrete classesProgrammatic ExampleTranslating the door example above. First of all we have our Door interface and some implementation for it...
Real world example: Did you ever have fresh tea from some stall? They often make more than one cup that you demanded and save the rest for any other customer so to save the resources e.g. gas etc. Flyweight pattern is all about that i.e. sharing. In plain words: It is used to ...
Flyweight Pattern 3. Real world example of flyweight pattern Suppose we have apenwhich can exist with/withoutrefill. A refill can be of any color thus a pen can be used to create drawings having N number of colors. HerePencan be flyweight object withrefillas extrinsic attribute. All other ...
The memento pattern is a software design pattern that provides the ability to restore an object to its previous state (undo via rollback). Usually useful when you need to provide some sort of undo functionality. Programmatic example需要备份的类 ...