Design of Steel structures Text book by S K Duggal: Design of steel structures by S K Duggal is an important book for Civil engineers to learn and analyze the different types of loads on the structure and various methods on how to design a safe steel structure. this book covers all topics...
Design of Steel Structures,Third EditionS K DuggalDuggal S.K., Design of Steel Structures (3rd Edition), Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, New Delhi, 2009, pp. 350, 354 - 357
S K DuggalLi mit States Designof Steel Structures. CAN/CSA-S16-2001 . 2001Limit States design of steel structures. Canadian Standard Association. CSA-s16.1-M94 . 1994Limit states design of steelstructures.CAN/CSA-S16-01.Limit States Design of Steel Structures. Candian Standards Association (...
Raj Mohan SinghCivil Engineering Department, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Pryagraj, IndiaS. K. DuggalCivil Engineering Department, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Pryagraj, IndiaSpringer NetherlandsWater Resources Management...
HDEMPSO results are better compared to those obtained by genetic algorithm and conventional techniques.doi:10.1139/cjce-2014-0441Singh, Raj MohanDuggal, S.KCanadian Journal of Civil Engineering
optimal designsubsurface flowhydraulic structuresbarragesembedded simulation optimizationseepage headgenetic algorithmdifferential evolutionhybrid particle swarm optimizationRaj Mohan Singh, S.K. DuggalCanadian Journal of Civil Engineering
Day PF, Lewis BRK, Spencer RJ, Barber SK, Duggal M. The design and development of surgical templates for premolar transplants in adolescents. Int Endod J 2012 [Online].Day PF, Lewis BR, Spencer RJ, et al: The design and development of surgical templates for premolar transplants in ...