February 15, 2025, is the sixtieth birthday of the National Flag of Canada. The media and heritage institutions—including Library and Archives Canada—often mark the flag’s anniversary by sharing some of the “also-rans,” aselection of Canadians’ design submissionsin the months and years lea...
The first official flag of the United States was created by Congress on June 14,1777. It consisted of 13 alternate red and white stripes and 13 white stars in a field of blue, representing the 13 colonies that had declared their independence in 1776. Congress adopted a new flag of 15 sta...
Flag of Bhutan is the national flag of Bhutan, which consists of a white dragon on a yellow and orange field. The white three-claw dragon holding four pearls under its claws is the thunder dragon in Bhutan, which is a symbol of national power. Druk is the name of Bhutan and the name ...
The flag was adopted on July 25, 1965. The Maldivian national flag was designed by Abdul Majeed Didi, who served as the Sultan of Maldives from 1944 to 1952; also recognized as the “father of modern Maldives.” The red rectangle on the flag symbolizes the courage of Maldives’s heroes....
When I came to leave I wanted to use the machine on the ground floor. This was out of order, as a lot of other people found. The office was empty as the staff were outside smoking. I then had to negotiate stars back to the 7th floor where the next machine was located. There was...
This house on Wisconsin Ave. NW was demolished by greedy high-rise developers — no, wait, it was merely moved around the corner to face Macomb St. The high-rise is actualinfill, in that it fills in what had been a square of grass. Keeping the house (which might have been part of ...
由于充足的土地和屋顶空间,许多农民安装了光伏系统,使得ONOX拖拉机成为使用和储存自发电的理想解决方案,提高了成本节约和独立性。 iF金奖评审团点评: It was long believed that battery limitations would forever stand in the way of electro-powered heavy vehicles, but now they are storming the field. The ...
Back then, he was a newcomer at Google, and Rob invited Russ for joining the Go team since he knew Russ from way back because of the Plan 9 project. Russ worked on the early Go compiler, runtime, as well as the leap of Go 1.5 bootstrap. Now, Russ is the tech leader of the Go...
Lamborghini SVJ project dedicated to 50th UAE National Day. Flag colors design shapes used to highlight unique car body shapes of one of the last Aventador model. Each of small design element was reviewed many times till final version. Project car was displayed in Lamborghini Showroom in Dubai ...
Official National Flag: In 1935, the Nazis made it the national flag of Germany. It replaced the traditional black, red, and gold tricolor. End of Usage: The use of this flag ended with the fall of Nazi Germany in 1945. It was then banned and stigmatized in post-war Europe. Learning ...