51 oral Dynamic edge focusing: A new MLC-design to deliver IMRT with a double focusing high precision multi-leaf-collimatordoi:10.1016/s0167-8140(01)80696-4NoneELSEVIERRadiotherapy & Oncology
See Fig. 1 for a system with two different semiconductor materials, where one material is used in the top cell and a different material in the bottom cell. The idea in such a tandem device is to absorb high energy photons in a high band gap top cell. In that top cell, the thermal...
This paper specifically focuses on the development of a small animal RT (micro-RT) system by designing a binary micro multileaf collimator (bmMLC) and a small animal treatment planning system (SATPS) to enable intensity modulated RT (IMRT). Both hardware and software projects are currently ...
Organ-on-a-chip devices are engineered to mimic the mechanical, biochemical and physiological properties of human organs; however, there are many important considerations when selecting or designing an appropriate device for investigating a specific scientific question. Building microfluidic Brain-on-a-...
For this reason, the electrically detected modes were optically identified using a speckle pattern-based interferometer, capable of building a map of both the out-of-plane and the in-plane motion of the device surface. In addition, the information on the mechanical displacement amplitude obtained ...
In Section 3, we analyze the structure and parameters of the device through experiments. In Section 4, we summarize our conclusions. 2. Materials and Methods 2.1. LSPR Sensor Structure Design As the light source, we use a 10 mW He-Ne laser with wavelength 632.8 nm (see Figure 1a). ...