学校的新媒体艺术专业名称为Design Media Arts,旨在用各类媒体技术结合多学科进行创作,从而促进学生个人的...
On December 8, 2021, a special edition of the Media, Arts and Design ConferenceMAD | 21 – THE FUTURE OF MEDIA, ARTS, AND DESIGNwas held, exploring the metaverse, non-fungible token (NFTs), Blockchain technologies, visualizing what the future looks like for the fields of media, arts, an...
UCLA中有一个非常新兴的学科,可以和RISD的D+M媲美,就是DMA(Design Media Art)设计是一个创作过程...
設計人都該上這網站瞧瞧,有許多大師開講精采內容都可藉由podcast下載觀看(點選TED Talks>Subscribe to TED Talks)。 我隨機挑了一集看,正好看到號稱「無介面(Interface-free)」觸碰式電腦螢幕的demo,由Jeff Han介紹,感覺上離Minority Report那樣的互動方式又更進一步了。
全美较大的知名艺术学院萨凡纳艺术学院的游戏硕士项目MA/MFA Interactive design and game development交互设计和游戏开发硕士,以及University of Southern California南加州大学Master of Arts in Cinematic Arts (Media Arts, Games and Health)...
At the same time, the design of this course can play a connecting role, to undertake the content of digital media arts and communication, artistic comprehending practice and digital interface design and development concept cours...
Psychotherapist, Expressive Arts Therapist, Coach ▶ Sinned Cristina Visual Artist ▶ Michele Anne Phillips Thetahealing Practitioner ▶ Damian Perez New Story Farm ▶ Kamau Zuberi Akabueze Awareness Guide ▶ Sergio Antonio Felix Pineda