Exploiting Hierarchy in VLSI Design - Lengauer - 1986 () Citation Context ...ueries [37]. Over the last decade, several theoretical models have been put forward to succinctly represent objects hierarchically [2, 5, 15, 19, 22, 35]. Here, we use the model dened by Lengauer in =-=[...
Design Hierarchy-Structural The design hierarchy involves the principle of "Divide and Conquer." It is nothing but dividing the task into smaller tasks until it reaches to its simplest level. This process is most suitable because the last evolution of design has become so simple that its manufact...
LOS VLSI ( VLSI Design of an Equalizer for Synchronous Digital Hierarchy Line-of-Sight Microwave Model Systems ) 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 2 作者:김재열,장태화,오혁준,이태형,이용훈,경종민 摘要: (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy: SDH) LOS (line-of-...
design hierarchy illustrated inFigure 1.2has described all the levels of abstraction down to physical design, a step solely responsible forphysical design automation. In the design hierarchy, a higher level description has fewer implementation details but more explicit functional information than a lower...
and synthesized as described in the book. A partial list of design topics includes design partitioning, hierarchy decomposition, safe coding styles, back-annotation, wrapper modules, concurrency, race conditions, assertion-based verification, clock synchronization, and design for test. Coverage of specifi...
The text is organized around first introducing the global view of digital integrated circuit design, VLSI and design automation, and then sequentially developing the topics from the materials and devices level, up through the circuits and then system level. This mirrors the structural hierarchy of th...
- Identify the different functional blocks, such as CPUs, memory, I/O, and custom blocks, that need to be placed on the chip. - Consider the block sizes, aspect ratios, and power/thermal requirements of each block. 2. Hierarchy and Partitioning: ...
The information captured in the data structure reduces the frequency of file I/O operations, and consequently improves the performance of a class of operations related to the cell hierarchy. Incorporated with other data structures, this data structure has been used in a VLSI layout system MAPLE ...
1.1.2 VLSI design flow and typical EDA flow When we think of current EDA features and capabilities, we generally think of synthesis of hardware description languages (HDLs) to standard cell-based ASICs or to the configuration data to be downloaded into FPGAs. As part of the synthesis process...
美国版:CMOSVLSIDesign第4版 国际版:IntegratedCircuitDesign第4版 Preface Preface Chapter1intruduction Chapter1WelcometoVLSI 1.1ABriefHistory1 1.1ABriefHistory1 1.2Preview6 1.2Preview6 1.3MOSTransistors6 1.3MOSTransistors6 1.4CMOSLogic9 1.4CMOSLogic9 1.4.1TheInverte9 1.4.1TheInverte9 1.4.2TheNANDGate...