In this paper we proposed an ALU using Novel 8T full adder and Pass transistor logic based multiplexers. A 4×1 and a 2×1 multiplexer were used to design an ALU. Full adder is an essential component for designing all types of processors like digital signal processors (DSP), ...
Reliable circuit analysis and design using nanoscale devices We have presented a NANOLAB based fault model of 8-bit full adder, basic building block being 2:1 multiplexer. At each level, a Triple Modular ... R Kumawat,V Sahula,MS Gaur - International Conference on Communication & Electronics ...
Sheykhian, Design and simulation of a 2 × 1 all-optical multiplexer based on photonic crystals. Opt. Laser Technol. 151, 108021 (2022) Article MATH Google Scholar M. Abdollahi, F. Parandin, A novel structure for realization of an all-optical, one-bit half-adder based on 2D photonic ...
Design and Power Dissipation Consideration of PFAL CMOS V/S Conventional CMOS Based 2:1 Multiplexer and Full Adder With the integration of circuits, number of gates and transistors are increasing per chip area. However with integration in every digital circuit, the ener... M Sharma,D Pandey,P...
For example, a multiplexer based full adder for low power requirement [5]. The paper [6] discusses about multiplexer based block enabling technique for multiply accumulate circuit design, where the multiplexer is used for low power implementation. Proposed tree based decomposition algorithm for high ...
The design of a Ternary Logic Processor using CNTFETs (Carbon-Nanotube-Field-Effect-Transistor) is a challenging task, but it also has the potential to off
The function, performance and power consumption of the proposed designs are evaluated by using the QCADesigner and QCADesigner-E tools. Compared with the previous designs, the proposed 5-input majority gate can not only reduce total energy dissipation by roughly 57% but also achieve the expected ...
We take example of a 8 bit Ripple Carry Adder(RCA) to understand the ease of instantiations provided by the For generate statement. An RCA consists of Full Adders tied in series where the carry out of the previous full adder is fed as the carry in bit of the next full adder in the ...
1 Considertheeffectofthedelaythroughgates DelayincombinationallogiccircuitsWhentheinputtoagatechanges,theoutputofthatgatedoesnotchangeinstantaneously;but,thereisasmalldelay,Δ.Iftheoutputofonegateisusedastheinputtoanother,thedelaysadd.ABC Δ X Δ F 2 Figure4.1 ABCABXCF XF 1Δ1Δ 1Δ ABXCF 1Δ 2Δ...
Sign in to download full-size image Figure 6.42. VHDL test bench for a one-bit half-adder 6.14.4 Four-to-One Multiplexer The multiplexer is a many-input-to-one-output circuit that allows one of many signals to be digitally switched (selected or multiplexed) to a single output under the...