在Android Studio中遇到“Design Editor is unavailable”的问题时,这通常意味着设计视图无法加载或显示当前的布局。以下是一些可能的原因和相应的解决方案: 可能的原因及解决方案 Gradle未同步: 问题描述:有时候,当Gradle配置发生变化或更新后,如果没有及时进行Gradle同步,设计编辑器可能无法正常工作。 解决方案:点击And...
求助,Design ..写了一半的东西再打开就报错了,design editor is unavailable until a successful build重新新建一个工程就没问题了,但是原来那个不管怎么弄都出不来design。有大佬帮忙看看吗,后天就要交作业了
android studio设计界面的时候,出现了报错:design editor is unavailable until after a successful project sync,导致无法编辑界面 这个时候菜单-》build->Rebuild Project,重新编译一下,编译完还不行的话,重启一下android studio应该就可以了。
Solution2: If this does not work, it looks like you have made changes your build.gradle file. To sync your project, you should be getting an option on top of your files, asking you to "Sync Now". Please click that option and the project will be built for you. option to sync your ...
“design editor is unavailabel until after a successful project sync.” 按照错误日志的提示:“Gradle sync failed: Failed to open zip file. // Gradle's dependency cache may be corrupt (this sometimes occurs after a network connection timeout.) // // Re-download dependencies and sync project ...
布局文件Design模式不能用的解决办法 遇到以下报错: 1、design editor is unavailable until a successful build 解决办法: 在gradle.properties中 添加 android.enableAapt2=false 重新运行即可。 2、Preview is unavailable until a successful build 解决办法: 重新构建了一下项目就好了...
android studio开发的时候出现design editor is unavailable until after a successful project sync问题的解决方法 2019-01-22 11:15 −... 魔豆 0 40658 Android Studio fastutil.jar 一直在sync 2019-12-19 01:11 −因为fastutil.jar文件需要翻墙才能sync成功,所以需要在build.gradle中添加aliyun的服务器地址...
RichEditor组件如何设置光标的起始位置位于左上角 如何在自定义函数中创建一个UI组件 如何实现软键盘弹出后,整体布局不变 如何实现Tabs页签导航栏切换时,下划线也随之滑动 如何解决Web与List的嵌套滑动冲突 如何解决两层Tabs出现滑动冲突的情况? 如何主动清除控件的焦点 如何加载和使用自定义字体 ArkUI是否...
Another editor has '<document name>' open in an incompatible mode This error arises if you try to open a file that is already opened in another editor. The editor that already has the file open is shown. To correct this error, close the editor that has the file open, and try ...
2020-08-13android布局文件显示异常design editor is unavailable until a successful build 问题: 该显示布局文件的地方,却显示了design editor is unavailable until a successful build。 方法: 在gradle.properties中添加:android.enableAapt2 = false