Design Compiler是Synopsys公司综合产品的核心,负责将HDL设计描述转化为优化后的、与具体工艺技术相关(即添加了用到的工艺库 )的门级设计。具备以下关键技术和优势: 1. DC Expert技术专注于利用线载模型进行延时估计,以实现设计在面积、时序和功耗上的优化。 2. DC Ultra在DC Expert的基础之上,增强了对高性能设计的...
2. Running Design Compiler 运行DC 1. DC的工作模式 2. Working With Licenses 3.The Setup Files启动文件 4. 在WLM模式下启动工具 5. 在Topo模式下启动工具 6. DC启动任务 8. 输出重定向 9. 中断或中止命令 10. 查找日志信息(Log) 11. 使用脚本文件 12. 从命令行获取帮助 1. 前言 DC提供了两种接口...
design compiler 安装包 design compiler user guide 一起来充电吧! UG892 Chapter 2 Understanding Use Models Vivado Design Suite Use Models 在开始使用Vivado工具进行第一次设计之前,请查看Vivado设计套件用户指南: Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Getting Started (UG910) 正如Vivado设计套件支持许多不同的设计流...
Design Compiler ®User GuideVersion O-2018.06, June 2018 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 32 p. 2D Empirical transforms 4 p. 03_Signal Description 12 p. 3D Through-Wall Imaging with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Using WiFi 4 p. 04_Package and Pinout 9 p. 05_Power Considerations 4...
Comments?Send comments on the documentation by goingto, then clicking“Enter a Call to the Support Center.”Design Compiler®User GuideVersion Z-2007.03, March 2007
内容提示: /1-1HOMECONTENTSINDEXE-mail your comments about Synopsys documentation to docs@synopsys.comvV-2004.06 Design Compiler User Guide1Introduction to Design Compiler1The Design Compiler tool is the core of the Synopsys synthesisproducts. Design Compiler optimizes designs to provide the smallest...
vV-2004.06DesignCompilerUserGuide 1.TheinputdesignfilesforDesignCompilerareoftenwrittenusing ahardwaredescriptionlanguage(HDL)suchasVerilogorVHDL. 2.Duringthesynthesisprocess,DesignCompilertranslatesthe HDLdescriptiontoDesignWarecomponentssuchasaddersand
DesignCompiler ® UserGuide,VersionL-2016.03iii CopyrightNoticefortheCommand-LineEditingFeature ©1992,1993TheRegentsoftheUniversityofCalifornia.Allrightsreserved.Thiscodeisderivedfromsoftware contributedtoBerkeleybyChristosZoulasofCornellUniversity. Redistributionanduseinsourceandbinaryforms,withorwithoutmodification...
synopsys design compiler user guide top content /iii HOME CONTENTS INDEX Send comments on the documentation to Support at SolvNet Enter A Call.Version Y -2006.06 Design Compiler User Guide Contents What’s New in This Release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
Design Complier User Guide Training Course of Design Compiler REF: •CIC Training Manual –Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler , July, 2006TSMC 018um Process 18-Volt SAGE-X TM Stand Cell Library Databook September 2003•T . –W. Tseng, “ARES Lab 2008 Summer Training Course of Design...