Our technical foundation consists of a broad range of tools and technologies, including HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, React.js, Angular, and others, allowing us to offer remarkable outcomes for your gaming website. By working with Designveloper, you can be confident that you are dealing with a ...
I'm not great at Object Modeling and creating objects for an environment... Haven't done a lot of C++, mostly C and Java Services (which are web-oriented functions accessible via the web)... So mostly procedural that's why I am comfortable with HTML/CSS/Javascript and PHP (again proce...
Responsive Frontend For Web and Mobile HTML, CSS, JavaScript 6 days left ...implementation for both public and user-facing views using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. • Deliverables: o High-quality, clean, and maintainable front-end code reflecting the design and functionality outlined in the ...
Scotty: Micro web framework inspired by Ruby's Sinatra, using WAI and Warp. Spock: Another Haskell web framework for rapid development. Servant: A Type-Level Web DSL. Yesod: The Haskell RESTful web framework. Elixir Phoenix: Framework for building HTML5 apps, API backends and distributed system...
He’s fluent with HTML and CSS. As a hobby, he wrote a WordPress plugin that tracks snowfall predictions in Colorado from 5 different forecasters; it also does some statistics on the data to verify and validate the predictions. Nathan started doing development work with Boldface when he moved...
Behind the Scenes: The Hardware that Powers Basecamp, Campfire and Highrise by Taylor Backstage: How we use Basecamp to collect, share, and discuss inspiration by Jason Fried Levels of aspiration by David Picking the right analysis to solve the real problem by Noah Backstage: Using Basecamp ...
All participants had previous learning experience in rope skipping, with the shortest learning time being 1 month and the longest learning time being 5 years. 3 participants exercised at home and the remaining 13 participants exercised outdoors. 3 of the participants had experiences in using smart ...