Chapter 7 GUI Design for Android Apps, Part 1: General Overview Since its emergence in the 1980s, the concept of the graphical user interface (GUI) has become an indispensable part of human-computer interaction (HCI). As embedded systems have evolved, they have gradually adopted this concept ...
Narrate,一款带着 Material Design 风格的笔记应用。虽说看起来,它并没有比其它笔记应用提供更多的功能。但一份简单、一份优雅,会带来一种完全不同的沉浸感。 Narrate 具有几个明显的 Material Design 的特征。全局可见的 Floating Action Button,使用圆形的视觉元素(按钮、标识),将第一层级的入口放在侧滑栏等等。算...
Here are some excellent resources if you are designing for Android Gingerbread or Ice Cream Sandwich. Galleries My Mobile Design Pattern Gallery has hundreds of screnshots from iOs, Android and other OSs. I also posted a presentation of The Best Android Apps The Best Android Apps 2012: A ...
Sprucing up your home, or even building a newaddition, is best done with some planning. Fortunately, plenty of interior design apps are available for Android and Apple smartphone or tablet users to help with the design, planning, professional consultation and even buying stages of freshening up ...
Figma Mac and Android Free / $12 per month Medium to high Not really Sketch Mac and Windows $99 Medium to high Not really ConclusionAbove are the 5 best designing apps you can use on Mac. Both has its good side and the bad side, choose the one you like. We suggest you to try ...
2018年最优秀的9个Android Material Design Apps! 今年4月,谷歌Gmail推出了全新的设计外观,全新的配色方案,更多的空白区域和精致的图标。也带来了Material Design 的一些改变 –Material Theming(材料主题),旨在自定义Material Design应用程序,以更好地反映产品品牌。换句话说,开发人员可以对颜色或字体进行小的更改,并...
Watch out for overlapping images Add spacing and padding to each page Limit the amount of text per screen Note: Within Android apps, many primary CTAs will appear as floating action buttons in the bottom-right corner. While you should only use them when appropriate, they’re a great, clean...
Whether you are a professional or a beginner, here app design remains equally simple for all. You can use the platform to create prototypes or build full-fledged apps for the app stores. From web view to native, Android to iOS, any goal can be achieved with minimal effort. Moreover, App...
Discover product design and engineering apps that keep you connected. With product development apps, you can design moving mechanical systems on your device.
Visualize your web and mobile prototypes, while you design them. Simulate prototype behavior while you design. Use our Emulator and Viewer App to test your prototype live on any iPhone, iPad or Android device. A free prototyping tool to rule all screens ...