Defining key concepts - ensure that you can accurately define main phrases, such as case study Knowledge application - use your knowledge to answer questions about the pros and cons of case studies Additional Learning Have a look at the lesson called Case Study Design: Definition, Advantages ...
Knowledge application- use your knowledge to answer questions about participants in a study Additional Learning For further details on conducting research in the psychology field, review the associated lesson, How to Choose a Research Method & Design. The following topics are covered in this lesson...
The Likert scale is one of the most common scaling techniques. It presents respondents with a series of statements and asks them to rate their level of agreement or disagreement using a range of options, typically from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree”.For example: Please indicate your...
I’ve called outDropboxbefore as an excellent example of good marketing all around. The company’s homepage is no different. You have a slightly askew hero image that draws the eye and two CTAs — one of which uses a dark background to draw more attention since it’s for the paid vers...
As humans, we have an underlying “blueprint” for how we perceive and process the world around us, and the study of psychology helps us define this blueprint. And as designers, we can leverage psychology principles to build more intuitive products. But
To reflect on their maker experiences, student work groups were given a set of cards (see below) to, first, pick cards from the deck to verbally answer, and to, second, choose three of the cards to answer in a blog post. Example Verbal Responses to the Reflection Questions ...
To measure arousal, they were asked how tired they were on a scale of 1 (“very tired”) to 9 (“not tired at all”). Subsequently, they encountered two multiple-choice comprehension questions to answer, one literal and one which involved drawing inferences32. We piloted comprehension ...
We administered the same questionnaire to the same participants within a 4-week time interval. The participants were informed about the study objective and they agreed to answer the questionnaire on the two occasions. We assessed the reliability by calculating the Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (...
Can you give a real-world example of a company getting it right? Any lessons other could use from this case study? Is there any other advice you would give execs about helping to create an organisation and a workforce that will emerge even stronger once the pandemic ebbs away? And what ...
For example, a company may ask for feedback about a recent customer service experience, or psychology researchers may investigate health risk perceptions using questionnaires. Table of contents Questionnaires vs. surveys Questionnaire methods Open-ended vs. closed-ended questions Question wording Question ...