Adesert/'dezət/ is a large area of land where there is very little water or rain, no trees, and very few plants. They crossed the SaharaDesert. 2.'desert' as a verb When people or animalsdesert/dɪ'zɜːt/ a place, they all leave it. ...
we saw a “field” of this plant in bloom nearCrack in the Ground.Tufted evening-primrose,Oenothera caespitosa, usually only bloom at night but on that day, dark clouds filled the skies.
and in South Africa, Jeal (2017) documented house sparrows (Passer domesticus) on a solar installation but not on surrounding rangelands. Eurasian-collared dove abundance rose by a factor of almost seven over a two-year period in Florida
Do you believe a rose plant says “I want some water” or a tree shouts “My arms hurt”? Maybe you will say this could only happen in some ___61___ stories. In fact, plants are not always ___62___. A recent study has...
“To me you won”, his father said “You rose each time you fell” by D. H. Groberg It does seemed like I have been out of the blogging world, doesn’t it? I have spent these few months developing my spiritual food page, my daily journal. I have received a few encouraging ...
and shields flying around for people to catch them. The Titan that looked like it had rose from the sea was the first to arrive. Helena gasped. "The Desert Titan," she said. "They're going to kill us. If they're smart, they'll throw us on the barbie before they eat us. I hope...
"I could get used to this," I said to my husband, as we watched the watercolor sunset paint the sky in shades of rose, orange, and lavender from the poolside loungers. Kamil Zelezik The national park — just a mile from Black Rock — felt hushed, too, as if someone has pressed...
Kalimari Desert is the fourth and final course of the Mushroom Cup in Mario Kart 64. The name of the course is likely a portmanteau of "Kalahari Desert," which is a real-life desert in Southern Africa, and "Mario." The first part of the course's...
but it is the thing that people know me for. M: it must have changed it to the extent that you have been recognized in the street and after years of being felly, [N: Yes] and anonymized in your craft I suppose also too, it's opened up all kinds of officers. N: I suppose yes...
The slope continued steeply downwards and the rocks on either hand rose to the height of cliffs. Then they began to meet vegetation—prickly cactus-like plants and coarse grass of the kind that would prick your fingers. Soon the horse-hoofs were falling on pebbles and stones instead of sand...