Facts Summary: The Desert Rain Frog (Breviceps macrops) is a species of concern belonging in the species group "amphibians" and found in the following area(s): Namibia, South Africa. Creature Profile Share This article is only an excerpt. If it appears incomplete or if you wish to see ...
沙漠雨蛙(Desert rain frog),生活在南非境内西、北沿岸。由于人类的商业活动破环了它们的栖息地,现在要见到已经很不容易了。国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)将它列为濒临灭绝的物种。 沙漠雨蛙在遇到危险的时候会把身体胀大,并且发出威胁的声音。不过着声音绝了……哈哈,你是吹气球吗? 你当你是鸟呢?哈哈哈哈哈哈哈…… ...
南非沙漠雨蛙(Desert rain frog,学名Breviceps macrops,中文学名似乎叫“大足短头蛙”),叫声很霸气,据说比养狗管用![偷笑] http://t.cn/zYX21yK (via:fall_ark)
The desert rain frog, Breviceps macrops, is found along the greater Namaqualand coast, an area of acute conservation concern. We reconstruct the distribution of this species from museum specimens to the north and quantitative surveys in the south. In addition, a small (0.6 ha) study site near...
沙漠雨蛙(Desert rain frog),生活在南非境内西、北沿岸。由于人类的商业活动破环了它们的栖息地,现在要见到已经很不容易了。国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)将它列为濒临灭绝的物种。沙漠雨蛙在遇到危险的时候会把身体胀大,并且发出威胁的声音,就是声音有点奇怪就是了... k收起...
Other animals that live in the Kalahari includespringbok, meerkat,hyenas, and birds of prey likemartial eaglesand the eagle owl. You’ll also find reptiles like Cape cobras and even some frogs, like thebushveld rain frog. 9. The Taa language originated in the Kalahari area ...
2011. Distribution and conservation status of the desert rain frog Breviceps macrops. Afr. J. Herpetol. 60: 1A12.Channing, A. & Wahlberg, K. (2011) Distribution and conservation status of the desert rain frog Breviceps macrops. African Journal of Herpetology, 60, 101-112. https://doi.org...
Although a member of the family Hylidae (the tree frog family), the water-holding frog lives on the ground. In fact, the species spends much of its life buried up to 1 meter (3.28 ft.) underground, wrapped in a cocoon. It only emerges after a period of heavy rain, when it makes ...
The desert rain frog, Breviceps macrops, is found along the greater Namaqualand coast, an area of acute conservation concern. We reconstruct the distribution of this species from museum specimens to the north and quantitative surveys in the south. In addition, a small (0.6 ha) study site near...
The effect of rain and heat appearing at the same time seems to aggravate the ecological vulnerability in the desert steppe; once the rainfall in the vigorous growth stage is insufficient, a sharp decrease in biomass seems inevitable, considering that herbaceous plants with poor self-sustaining ...