Grayish white or cream stripes runing lengthwise along the sides with narrow dark lines, often broken into dashes, running down the middle of the light stripes. Similar Snakes Comparison chart of Masticophis taeniatus taeniatus - Desert Striped Whipsnake with the similar species Masticophis ...
The Dicots have a surprising array of diversity regarding vegetative plants. This includes around 50 families. Many of these families like those of the other groups discussed already are not very diverse ranging from one to three genera included in the chart below comprising close to half the tot...
Irrigation amount and the irrigation period have significant regulatory effects on the nitrogen absorption and utilization of peanut plants [30]. With increasing irrigation levels, there are observed increases in nitrogen accumulation in pods, plant nitrogen accumulation, nitrogen uptake efficiency, nitrogen...
the effects of the preconditioning treatments on the response ofA. verato prolonged drought. Overall, despite the variability of responses associated with the preconditioning treatments, allA. veraplants remained metabolically active during 7 months without irrigation in one of the driest places on Earth...
The 72 h of back trajectories were calculated, with a new trajectory starting every 1 h. See Table S2 for the start and end times of each episode. Red triangles = cities; red star = Tazhong, with city names shown in the Episode 1 chart. Figure 4. Time series of concentrations and ...
stressed conditions. In total, we identified 1710 putatively responsive to the combined stressed conditions of salt and boron exposure. We also identified a set of 848 stress responsive potentialtransnatural antisense transcripts (trans-NAT) lncRNAs, which seems to be regulating genes associated with ...
Total RNA was extracted using the cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) method for plants [69]. Genomic DNA was eliminated by treating the RNA samples with DNase in the last step of the extraction process and with gDNase in the first step of the reverse transcription process. The quantity ...