and there's a limited window of time for any plant to get the water before it evaporates. But succulent plants have a spread-out and shallow root system that can quickly pull in water from the top inch of soil, though the soil has to be saturated, since succulents aren't good at ...
testifies the changing characteristic of the root system state of the young seedling along with the change of the ground water level and the water content of soil, testifies the distribution rule of the quality and the surface area of the root system of the young seedling in soil space and ...
17.Root System of the Main Sand Fixing Plants in Desert Zone of Shiyanghe River Basin石羊河流域荒漠区主要固沙植物根系研究 18.Root fractal characteristics at the hinterland of Taklimakan Desert塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地几种植物根系分形特征 相关短句/例句 Desert psammophyte荒漠沙生植物 3)ephemeral plant deser...
This means that the available water in the soil occupied by the root system is sufficient to supply the plant for a period of four years without replenishment by rainfall. The present study shows that the plant can live safely for several years under the severe conditions of the desert. The...
The cactus has a root system that radiates away from the plant, just below the surface of the ground, ready to capture any water from rain or snowfall and conduct it to the plant’s stems. Within hours after a rainfall, the cactus’ roots sprout tiny rootlets to help absorb water even ...
An annual plant will mature and produce seeds in a single season that will become the next generation of annual plants.In desert conditions, annual plants grow in the fall or spring to avoid the heat of summer and the cold of winter.Of course, these plants could face a serious problem if...
Barrel cactus is a desert plant native to the Southwestern American deserts and the Mojave Desert in southern California. It has an unusual cylindrical body and is the largest cactus in American deserts. The cactus with thick spines can grow up to 10 meters and have a shallow root system. ...
root system and are growing in different desert region including the Arabian Peninsula. Samples consisted of three plant individuals (PK3, PK3b, PK9) fromP. antidotale, two plant individuals (PK5, PK7) fromT. terrestris, two plant individuals (PK1, PK6) fromZ. simplex, and one plant ...
Fog is also a reliable water source in deserts where the conditions are right for it. Air condenses to form dew in the cool mornings. The dew is captured on the plant's leaves and hairs. Many desert plants have vast root systems, capable of reaching deep, otherwise unusable water supplies...
For growing of plants as waterproof material there used is polypropylene fiber in form of waterproof material of geotextile below growth of root system of adult plant. Perforated polyethylene pipe with spiral shape is laid from above. Each concentric circle of the pipe controls a separate zone, ...