Today, they are called the Abu Simbel Temples,in memory of the young boy who first found them.The effort to save the Abu Simbel Temples was a success. So in 1972, UNESCO formed the World Heritage Committee, which protects places on the earth that are of great cultural or natural value....
This is called a teddy bear cholla, because the thickcoatingof spines on it, but don't bedeceivedby the name, there is nothingcuddlyabout this paticular teddy bear. In fact, it's the most dangerous plant in the desert and I wouldn't dream of putting my hand anywhere near it without p...
” The concept triggered furious protests and disputes downstream, with New Mexico and El Paso landowners and with Mexico. Subsequently, in the face of the
Caves have always been known as repositories of archaeological material. Some of the oldest evidence about the activities of human ancestors comes from caves. In the caves of Arizona's Grand Canyon and in the lava tubes of El Malpais National Monument in New Mexico, important archaeological disco...
But perhaps the most vicious cacti belong to a group called the chollas(多刺仙人掌). This is called a teddy bear cholla, because the thickcoatingof spines on it, but don't bedeceivedby the name, there is nothingcuddlyabout this paticular teddy bear. In fact, it's the most dangerous pl...
Very great environmental differences exist among the coastal deserts of the world. On an overall worldwide basis climate is the best criteria for subdivions. Climatically, the coastal deserts fall into four principal types which can be called hot, warm, cool, and cold (Figs1and2). ...
Residing in Africa, not all Spur-winged Geese are poisonous. The birds in the Gambia region, however, eat the blister beetle as part of their diet, which imbues them with a poison called cantharidin. This then inhabits the tissue of the geese, giving them a layer of toxicity. While the...
Reproduction may cease altogether in years of extreme drought, as it does in some lizards. It is now clear that in several regions desert environments are expanding—a process called desertification. This process may be defined as land degradation in arid, semiarid, or dry, subhumid areas that...
Reported sightings of this so-called "Jersey Devil" go way back. It'ssaidthat Joseph Bonaparte,Napoleon's brother, encountered the thing sometime in the 19th century. Yet no corpse or live specimen has ever been documented by the scientific community. ...
New Mexico's Highway 152 begins at Interstate Highway 25 some 51 miles north of Las Cruces, immediately west of the desert lake called Caballo Reservoir.