The idea of a desert island as the perfect place to bring a record player and be alone with your favorite music (electricity worries notwithstanding) began in 1942, when the BBC began its show “Desert Island Discs” (the show isstill running today). But even earlier, the idea that isolat...
dessert– sweet food, often served as the last course of a meal:I’ll have my dessert first. Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree des·ert1 (dĕz′ərt) n. 1.A barren or desolate area, especially: ...
he is using the word desert in the sense of 搘orthiness; deserving,?a word that is perhaps most familiar to us in the plural, meaning 搒omething that is deserved,?as in the phrase just deserts. This word goes back to the Latin word d秙erv簉e, 搕o devote oneself to the service of...
It can also be used to control the temperature of thegreenhouses.Without depending on limited resources such as land and fresh water,Sundrop Farms has made farming a practice. This can increase the world's foodsupplies. Another benefit of this kind of farming is that it can be doneanywhere...
Millions of people live in deserts around the world. Some people mine copper or other metals in desert mines. Some people work on desert farms. Shepherds in the Middle East go from place to place looking for food and water for their animals.People who live in deserts usually ...
consider 250 millimetres the upper limit for mean annual precipitation for true deserts, describing places with a mean annual rainfall of between 250 and 400 millimetres as semideserts. Regions this dry are barely arable and contribute to human food production only by providinggrazinglands for ...
Despite the uncertainties concerning the origins of food deserts, research has suggested that economic factors, such assupply and demand, as well asurban planning, which serves to connect consumers to food retailers and transportation services, are at play. These factors interact in ways that are ...
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) describes a food desert as an urban neighborhood or rural town without ready access to fresh, healthy, and affordable food. An estimated 2.3million rural Americans live in food deserts. One goal of the USDA is to eliminate food deserts. However...
The biggest challenge of growing food in a desert is the lack available water. The researchers have solved this problem by making full use of the sun to desalinate(淡化) sea water. Without depending on limited resources(资源) such as land, fresh water, and fuel, Sundrop Farm (produce)...
阅读理解。 Think of life in a desert: no food or water only strong sun and heavy wind full of sand. You'd die of thirst while waiting for a passing plane that never comes. But don't dismiss the thought as a nightmare (噩梦). Your hometown could become a desert if nothing is done...