Solved: We have Adobe Photoshop 23.1.1 for Mac, running on Ventura 13.2.1,, on a MacBook Pro, 16 inch, 2021. Normally, we have been using mostly the lasso - 14682441
Selection is a powerful tool in Photoshop, because it allows you to edit only in a specific spot. There are nine selection tools to choose from within the app. For starters, you can make manual selections with the Lasso tool or automatic ones with the Select Subject tool. ...
02_01_矩形选框工具(02_01_The Rectangular Marquee tool) 02_02_椭圆选框工具(02_02_The Elliptical Marquee tool) 02_03_套索工具(02_03_The Lasso tool) 02_04_多边形套索工具(02_04_The Polygonal Lasso tool) 02_05_磁性套索工具(02_05_The Magnetic Lasso tool) 02_06_快速选择工具(02_06_The...
第12 课时:课时12:02_01_The Rectangular Marquee tool 08:24 第13 课时:课时13:02_02_The Elliptical Marquee tool 06:02 第14 课时:课时14:02_03_The Lasso tool 04:55 第15 课时:课时15:02_04_The Polygonal Lasso tool 06:28 第16 课时:课时16:02_05_The Magnetic Lasso tool 10:09 ...
drawings with a lot of paths, and it just means it's very hard to draw a rectangle selecting exactly what I need - it's much easier to be able to select a group of objects and then deselect from that - that's how all CAD software works and how selection areas work in Photoshop. ...
So this used to be the default, I would lasso tool to make a selection and then gaussian blur (doing... Updated Nov 09, 2022 • Photoshop ecosystem Discussions How to deselect selection I am trying to watch this tutorial video. I selected areas I di...
Community Beginner , /t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/automating-fill-with-foreground-and-deselect-using-the-lasso-tool/td-p/10243757 Jan 11, 2019 Jan 11, 2019 Copy link to clipboard Copied Hello all! I was curious about a possible script. Would it b...
Community Beginner , /t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/automating-fill-with-foreground-and-deselect-using-the-lasso-tool/td-p/10243757 Jan 11, 2019 Jan 11, 2019 Copy link to clipboard Copied Hello all! I was curious about a possible script. Would it b...
You can use any of the tools mentioned above or just the Lasso tool & press ALT (Win) or Opt (macOS) to change the mode to subtract from the selection. Check these series of tutorials to learn and create precise selections:
Photoshop ecosystem Discussions Automating Fill With Foreground, and Deselect usin...1 Automating Fill With Foreground, and Deselect using the Lasso Tool? jgilbreath Community Beginner , Jan 11, 2019 Copy link to clipboard Hello all! I was curious about a possible...