Othello and Desdemona(奥赛罗和黛丝德蒙娜)Desdemona代表着对爱的追求和渴望,高洁而优雅,同时又饱含着悲剧色彩。英国育种家大卫·奥斯汀将这一款优秀的白色系月季命名为黛丝德蒙娜,代表了他对这个品种的分外珍惜和赞美。一经推出,黛丝德蒙娜就被评选为“最佳切花”、“最佳香味”、“最佳灌木月季”等多个称号。关于...
Desdemona 是一个虚构人物,是莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)的戏剧 Othello 中的一个人物角色。她是Othello 的妻子,参议员 Brabantonio 的女儿。她皮肤白皙(a light skinned),并且天真烂漫、纯净无邪(innocent)。因此,莎士比亚在剧中利用她作为纯净的标志,来对比恶劣Iago 和他世间的妻子Emilia 。总...
Lewis has a good point here which I agree with as Desdemona decides to stand up for herself by choosing Othello as her husband. She defends her marriage and is not afraid to assert in her beliefs. She is surrounded by powerful men where she is not ashamed to stand up for herself and ...
Othello. Farewell, my Desdemona: I'll come to thee straight. 奥瑟 罗再会, 我的苔丝狄蒙娜; 我马上就来看你. 来自互联网 9. Othello. No, not much moved: I do not think but Desdemona's honest. 奥瑟罗不, 并不怎麽动怒. 我怎麽也不能不相信苔丝狄蒙娜是贞洁的. 来自互联网 10. Egged on by...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Desdemona Encyclopedia Wikipedia Des•de•mo•na (ˌdɛz dəˈmoʊ nə) n. (in Shakespeare'sOthello, 1604) Othello's wife, murdered by him out of jealousy. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Cop...
Desdemona 是一个虚构人物,是莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)的戏剧 Othello 中的一个人物角色。她是Othello 的妻子,参议员 Brabantonio 的女儿。她皮肤白皙(a light skinned),并且天真烂漫、纯净无邪(innocent)。因此,莎士比亚在剧中利用她作为纯净的标志,来对比恶劣Iago 和他世间的妻子Emilia 。总...
Free Essay: Desdemona confirms that she is a trustworthy person who keeps her promises by demanding Othello to reconsider his thoughts regarding Cassio...
By 1963, she was offered the part of Desdemona by Laurence Olivier, to star opposite his Othello, at the National Theatre, and two years later, it was made into a film with the original cast, with Smith being nominated for an Oscar. ...
Othello’s perception of Desdemona gifting the handkerchief to Cassio is explained when Iago expresses that, “Trifles light as air/ Are to the jealous confirmations strong/ As proofs of holy writ”. Iago implements a simile to clarify the value of the handkerchief to be miniscule as a proof ...
I saw Othello’s visage in his mind,And to his honour and his valiant partsDid I my soul and fortunes consecrate.So that, dear lords, if I be left behind,A moth of peace, and he go to the war,The rites for which I love him are bereft me,And I a heavy interim shall supportBy...