All methods, datasets and results are publicly available (, which we hope will be a useful starting point for further extensions and a benchmark to evaluate future approaches in a comparable manner. Auxiliary learning tasks have been shown to improve network ...
Hex encoded public keys (66 characters starting with 02 or 03, or 130 characters starting with 04). WIF encoded private keys may be specified instead of the corresponding public key, with the same meaning. -xpub encoded extended public key or xprv encoded private key (as defined in BIP 32...
Attributes are reflected bean-style via any public no-argument methods * starting with "get" (or "is" for booleans), including inherited methods. The expected and actual beans do not need to be of * the same class. * <p> * Reflection wraps primitives, so differences in p...
Alternatively, palindromic dimers can be constructed starting from the target molecules4. An uncertainty however remains on the two orientations with mirror curvature profiles that describe DNA adsorption on chemically-different faces. Scipioni et al.25 and Sampaolese et al.27 demonstrated that such ...
l_startspecifies the starting byte offset of the lock that is to be set, cleared, or queried. This is a doubleword value. 3-4 l_lenspecifies the length of the byte range that is to be set, cleared, or queried. This is a doubleword value. ...
The number of validated descriptors was in proportion with the sample size in the jackknife. The PLS-jackknife parameters, such as sample size and number and number of latent variables in PLS, and the starting descriptor in Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization were investigated and optimized.Applying PLS-...
thenforced reversionoccurs. In this case, FORTRAN 77 advances to the next record and rescans the format, starting with the right-most left parenthesis, including any repeat-count indicators. It then re-uses this part of the format. If there are no inner parenthesis in theFORMATstatement, then...
hasClassStartingWith(annotations.keySet(), "org.springframework.web.bind.annotation"))&& BeanUtils.isSimpleProperty(TypeUtils.getRawType(type, null))) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<Parameter> parameters = new ArrayList<Parameter>(); Class<?> clazz = TypeUtils.getRawType(type, typ...
However, by starting the study when the outcomes had already been prioritised for some questions by the GDG, we may have caused confusion among the GDG about the purpose of health outcome descriptors. Most GDG members had only been introduced to the GRADE approach in the context of the ECIBC...
Drug discovery is a funneling pipeline that ends with a drug being selected from a starting pool of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of compounds. Computational drug discovery (CDD) methods can aid in many steps of this costly process29, including target deconvolution, hit-to-lead optimi...