“Agoodguy.”Isaidtomyself.“Iwillmakefriendswithhim.”Ihurriedandcaughtupwithhim.Questionsfortheessay:1.Howmanypartsarethereintheessay?2.Whatiseachparagraphaboutinthebody?Ⅰ.Definition Descriptionispaintinginwordsofaperson,place,object,orscene.ⅡStructure1.Introductionlead-inthesisstatement 2.body...
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Adj.1. undescriptive- not successful in describing descriptive- serving to describe or inform or characterized by description; "the descriptive variable"; "a descriptive passage" ...
物主代词:my, mine, yours, his等。反身代词:myself, yourself, ourselves等。指示代词:this, tha...
1、descriptive 和 depictive 【语义相同】;2、词型 de【scrip】tive 和 de【pic】tive 【结构相...
jumped to my feet and shoved my way to Andy Evans. The officers held me back as I kicked and screamed. I couldn’t control myself and the next thing I knew I was slowly falling to the… 2165 Words 9 Pages Powerful Essays Read More...
If we want to describe a person , what aspects should be covered? Born in Hangzhou on Dec 1,1991, Sun Yang , a 1.98personal information meter boy with a shiny smile ,is a world-record-holding long-distance swimmer . Showing great interest in swimming ,he learned to swim at...
I don’t know what to say; I’m speechless and happy and smiling. You’re playing a huge role in improving my copywriting, and I’m sure the same goes for many others. The way you encapsulate the ideas in simple words is fantastic. I learned from this blog post that how choosing th...
Describe your event in terms Premium English-language films Psychology United States 1093 Words 5 Pages Better Essays Read More Descriptive Narrative Essay Descriptive Narrative Essay I remember that warm day in May three years ago when my Dad and I went to an auc...
This is why I, a shy boy myself, always get cold feet getting close to her, the shyest girl in the class. ◆ Many students have the problem describing a person because of lack of wide vocabulary. For more descriptive words, refer to p34 Difference between description and narration ...
1097 Words 5 Pages Decent Essays Read More Describe My Grandmother Essay I often get asked who is the person I admire and look up to the most, the person whom I look up to and always will is my abuela (grandmother), Margarita Romero Herrera. My grandmother is one of the most influentia...