A descriptive essay is an excellent way to flex your creative writing muscles. The idea is to transport your reader somewhere new by using words alone. The ability to describe things clearly will serve you well in many careers, so let's write that essay. 一个描述性的文章是一个很好的发挥你...
Be sure that the particulars are consistent with the dominant impression. ● Know your purpose. Places may be described for their own sake: the writer tries to create a picture in words, so that the reader can see the place. Places can also be described for the purpose of revealing the ...
Pro Tip: Authors have a saying, “Don’t tell me, show me.” This means that instead of saying “my mother is a beautiful and hardworking person,” you show the reader these qualities through your words. For example, “My mother has been up since 5:30 a.m., but there isn’t a...
Pathetic fallacy (情感投射)- a type of personification where emotions are given to a setting, an object or the weather. eg: The clouds crowded together suspiciously overhead as the sky darkened. Onomatopoeia (拟声)- words that so...
An integral aspect of descriptive essay writing is the order in which the writer chooses to describe a thing or scene. For instance, if the writer were describing a person, that description shouldn't begin with what the person is wearing, because that's not what a person would notice first...
Such action was a violation of medicalethics. Ethicsis also the study of questions about what is morally right or wrong. Whenethicshas this meaning, it is an uncount noun. You use a singular form of a verb with it. We are only too ready to believe thatethicsisa field where thinking doe...
As you begin writing, try to use specific language rather than general terms. For example, instead of writing “furniture,” write “rocking chair” or “bunk bed.” Avoid abstract words that are difficult for a reader to picture, such as “nice,”“beautiful” or “love.” Specific words...
A descriptive essay is an excellent way to flex your creative writing muscles. The idea is to transport your reader somewhere new by using words alone. The ability to describe things clearly will serve you well in many careers, s...
Begin your essay with a captivating opening that grabs the reader's attention. Use a compelling anecdote, a thought-provoking question, or a powerful statement to set the tone and introduce your subject. The introduction should provide context and create anticipation for what is to come. ...
When asked about statistical analysis, people throw around words like numbers and research. But those who work with datasets, analysis, Excel, and other statistical analysis software know it's so much more than that and very important. Statistics is a branch of mathematics that comprises the ...