Negative:Degrading phrases/words Stupid looking, thin and cross-eyed, skinny and ugly, weak, short and, wiry and lanky, rough skin and tough meat, no meat and big bones, double-chin andflat-chested, elderly and bony, pale face,balding, unhealthy and scruffy looking feathers. 2)Personality ...
12、t-back hair Center parting Side parting Crew cut (平头) Flat top (平顶头) Skinhead /bald head Dreadlocks (长发绺) Permed hair (烫发) Sideboards/ sideburns (鬓角),Moustache,Moustache/beard (髭) Beard (髯) Full beard/ circular beard/ round beard Stubble beard (须茬) Shadow Handlebars...
LOGO 3.Makenotes.Writedownnotesrelatingtoallfivesenses.Thinkaboutandjotdownanystrongadjectivesandadverbsyoucoulduseinyourdescription.Writedownanyideasformetaphors,similesandpersonification.4.Makeadraft.Tryoutdifferentsentences,words,adjectivesandseeiftheywork.Ifnot,trynewones.Useathesaurustohelpyoufindalternative...
This sense was enhanced by her skin. Though it had the fragile crepeyness of age, she had few wrinkles, especially across her forehead, which was smooth to a point of being almost waxy looking. She was of obvious northern Germanic heritage, with pale eyes and prominent features. Although ...
Example: Add Sight Gandmother Workman lurched over and grabbed the pale skin of Randal's thin forearm with her leathery hand. The folds and creases beneath her skin coiled themselves out like electrical wiring, like the bloated, roughly-textured relief map of the world that his mother just ...
skin. Though it had the fragile crepeyness of age, she had few wrinkles, especially across her forehead, which was smooth to a point of being almost waxy looking. She was of obvious northern Germanic heritage, with pale eyes and prominent features. Although she was not overweight, her bones...
descriptive writing 描写文PPT课件 1.appearance trytodescribeyourphysicalappearance 第1页/共39页 2.personality Whatisthemostimportantpersonalitytraitofagoodboyfriendorgirlfriend?Canyouexplainindetails?第2页/共39页 Basicsfordescribingaperson •Physicalappearance:face,facialexpressions,body,clothes•Personality:...
Grandmother Workman lurched over and grabbed the pale skin of Randal’s thin forearm with her leathery hand. The folds and creases beneath her skin coiled themselves out like electrical wiring, like the bloated, roughly-textured relief map of the world that his ...
It was sort of incredible to see how an established writer like Zadie Smith drew an image with her words–the same one I was staring at. I felt like I was learning from a literary genius simply by reading the description and looking at “Man” at the same time. It led to a kind of...
MajorWritingAssignmentThe Descriptive ReportValue:20%ofthistermThe AssignmentDescribe the topic assigned to you in great d..