peeping whooping tinkling raucous chattering crooning bellowing sobbing bumping snarling growling pitch crying thumping burping croaking clattering yapping keening splashing yelping rustling volume squealing howling barking sniveling moaning pealing tone rattling grunting clanging c...
The English language is vast, with a lot of words used to describe specific things or particular movements. In the world of creative writing, the difference between good writing and great writing comes down to word choice. There are plenty of ways to punch up your copy with a few nimble ...
Many personnel respond to natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis and frequent public health events like Ebola and COVID-19. However, research on emergency assistance personnel remains limited. This study aims to describe the perceived well-being
relapse risk among patients of schizophrenia with first recurrence Patients who had relapsed had some understanding of the disease, especially the risk related to relapse and could further understand the risk of relapse and related infor- mation through their own experience and in other ways....
Types of Descriptive Detail There are many different ways in which descriptive detail can be included in writing. Whether to describe, persuade, illustrate or demonstrate, the descriptive details you include in your writing should serve a purpose not just pad your writing with more words. Sensory ...
while concisedetailscanhelpenhanceyourfocus.Descriptivedetailscauseareadertofeel,to hear,totaste,tobecomeintimatelyconnectedwiththeimagesandexperiencesbeing recreated.Therearemanydifferentwaysinwhichdescriptivedetailcanbeincludedin writing.Whethertodescribe,persuade,illustrateordemonstrate,thedescriptivedetails youincludein...
COVID-19 patients tend to use positive discourse to describe medical staff in our interviews. Furthermore, the relationship between patients and doctors can be transplanted to the relationship between the patients and their family. In family relationships, patients fail to rid themselves of the const...
to 3 years old, which could be due to the fact that, despite contact with the external environment being restricted, the children had the opportunity to interact within their most immediate environment, such as home and family. Perhaps if it had been a population with a pathology that implied...
Some also said it was “ominous” (bad for children’s health and future development) if the childbirth was to be seen by strangers, “my baby would be sick with diseases such as influenza”. Others said they refused to deliver in hospital even though they could not describe exactly what ...
development such as self-regulation, relaxation, attention capacity, and stress reduction. Improvements in interpersonal relationships and social skills were also observed. Conclusions: These improvements in emotional well-being and social skills highlight the importance of this type of intervention in the...