This research aimed at improving students' ability in writing descriptive text through mind mapping collaborative writing technique. The data were taken from students of X B in SMA Nusantara Indah Sintang in the Academic Year 2016-2017. The finding showed that this technique could make the students...
A descriptive essay is a text that presents a detailed image of a person, place, or thing. This is done through the use of descriptive language—adjectives and adverbs—and the incorporation of images that incorporate several of the body's senses. A descriptive essay is typically a form of ...
I really want to learn about each text Unknown on June 29, 2019: It’s helpful to me as a student. I just finished my assignment and I understand the meaning!! Create more explanations about a certain topic or subject. Patrick Williams on June 23, 2019: Thanks, good information about ...
It was intended to describe the eighth grade students' descriptive text writing ability and the students' ability in each aspect of writing. It was conducted at MTsN Tlasih chosen by purposive method. The sample of this research was taken through proportional random sampling by lottery as many ...
Input the data range into the 'Input Range' text box Check the 'Labels in first-row’ check box (only do this if you have titled your data in the first row) Type a cell location into the 'Output Range' box Click on the 'Summary Statistics' check box and click 'OK' The descripti...
This study was conducted by using descriptive qualitative design.The sources of this data are students in the eighth grade which consists of 21students and the ninth grade which consists of 20 at SMP Dharma PancasilaMedan. The data of the study were obtained from students' descriptive text and...
ABSTRACTThis study was aimed at improving the students' competency in writing descriptive text in the 7C class of SMP Dwijendra Gianyar in the academic year 2014/2015. The subjects of this study consisted of 19 males and 15 females. Based on the preliminary study it was found that the ...
Ch 2. 10th Grade English: Reading Skills... Ch 3. 10th Grade English: Reading... Ch 4. 10th Grade English: Literary Text... Ch 5. 10th Grade English: Literary Text... Ch 6. 10th Grade English: Literary Terms &... Ch 7. Analyzing Short Stories Ch 8. Novel Exemplars: Grapes of...
Improving Descriptive Text Writing Skills Using Learning Media for Fifth Virtual Field Trip Grade Students of SD Negeri 4 Jatilawang Futya Rakhmani(B) and Afendy Widayat Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Abstract. ...
(numeric, text, etc.), the response scale for each item (i.e., whether it is measured on a nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio scale; whether such scale is a five-point, seven-point, or some other type of scale), and how to code each value into a numeric format. ...