Statistics Statistical analysis of data were performed with SPSS software package version 16.0. (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA), and basically included a descriptive analysis of the investigated patient population. Incidence and frequency of both acute phase AIS grade and chronic phase neurological and ...
[2]. In 1952, Mary Eleanor Spear released her book “Charting Statistics,” [3] which introduced the interquartile range into the chart — essentially creating the modern boxplot. In 1969, John Tukey presented the box-and-whisker plot in his book “Exploratory Data Analysis,” which ...
bexc) worksheet function which is contained in the Real Statistics Resource Pack. Whenbexc= FALSE (default), the version of IQR that uses QUARTILE.INC is returned, while whenbexc= TRUE the version that uses QUARTILE.EXC is returned.
It depends on what you mean by grouped data. The Real Statistics Resource Pack provides various approaches for doing this, but again it depends on what you mean by grouped data. Charles Reply https://real-stati...