The analysts then independently coded the remaining 33 transcripts, meeting after every 2–5 transcripts to review codes, discuss themes, and ensure coding congruency. Second, we employed rapid qualitative analysis to increase the dependability and trustworthiness of the findings.28,40 Rapid qualitative...
Data analysis Data analysis was approached systematically, following four key stages: data immersion, coding, development of subthemes, and the identification of major themes [55]. The process of analysis began with data immersion, whereby the lead researcher (FK) listened to, and transcribed the ...
Data analysis An analysis plan was developed to create a system of coding that ensured validity and consistency through inter-coder reliability [24]. The process began with inductive coding and once a coding framework was created, deductive coding was carried out. Using a thematic analysis approach...
Data analysis was approached systematically, following four key stages: data immersion, coding, development of subthemes, and the identification of major themes [55]. The process of analysis began with data immersion, whereby the lead researcher (FK) listened to, and transcribed the content verbatim...
this ten-year study used descriptive statistics to portray the methods being used in OS and the populations studied, as well as using thematic analysis via HyperRESEARCH coding to describe the degree to which occupations studied were individual alone, individual shared, shared group characteristics, ...
The transcripts were uploaded to NVivo 12 software [32] and thematically analysed using Braun and Clarke’s 6 stage model of ‘reflexive’ thematic analysis (RTA): (1) data familiarisation and writing familiarisation notes; (2) systematic data coding; (3) generating initial themes from coded an...
The coding first followed the same procedure as for cohort 1. Thereafter the findings from all seven data collection sessions were pulled together and further in-depth analysis was conducted with a closer focus upon the participants learning outcomes. Other authors (BG, DC and MWN) participated ...
The validity of the data was ensured by involving coresearchers in the analysis process. The findings were reported back to the participants for comments to ensure that the data were accurately presented. Atlas.ti7 software was used to assist with data management and the coding process. No ...
Data analysis An analysis plan was developed to create a system of coding that ensured validity and consistency through inter-coder reliability [24]. The process began with inductive coding and once a coding framework was created, deductive coding was carried out. Using a thematic analysis approach...
The analysis process began in the spring of 2019, and was done by first author AV and supervised by a senior researcher (AA). The interview transcripts were read several times to obtain a holistic understanding of the mothers’ stories and the overall patterns in the data. The coding of ...