Descriptive analytics refers to the interpretation of historical data to better understand changes that occur in a business. Descriptive analytics describes the use of a range of historical data to draw comparisons with other reporting periods for the same company (i.e. quarterly or annually) or wi...
Descriptive analytics is the most fundamental and widely used sort of analytics in businesses. It summarizes and draws attention to patterns in both current and historical data sources. Descriptive analytics is used to generate reports, key performance indicators (KPIs), and business metrics that allow...
This chapter is focused on the mostly common descriptive analytics tools used in business generally and specifically in small businesses. The chapter will help to use descriptive analytics tools to understand your business and make recommendations that can improve your business profits. For small ...
解释:这是'descriptive statistics'的另一种表达方式,意思是对数据进行统计描述。 Descriptive analytics 解释:这个短语也表达了对数据进行描述性分析的意思,与'descriptive statistics'相近。 Summary statistics 解释:这个词组强调的是对数据进行总结性的统计描述,与'descriptive statistic...
5. Descriptive analytics is the most common and fundamental form of analytics that companies use. True False Answer:A) True Explanation: Descriptive analytics is the most widely used and essential type of analytics in business today. Companies utilize descriptive analytics in a variety of areas of...
Descriptive analyticsis a summary view of facts and figures, and it provides a holistic view of how a business is in performing its current state. Predictive analyticsuses data insights to understand what might happen in the future. Prescriptive analyticsidentifies the specific steps needed to achiev...
Business analytics is already a pervasive concept in the enterprise, although different types of analytics produce different results, with different business value. While older concepts, such as descriptive analytics, can be done using hand-tuned scripts and/or SQL queries, newer modalities rely on ...
Understanding the basics of descriptive analytics seems simple enough, but applying it in real life can be challenging. There are several steps that an organization needs to follow to apply descriptive analytics to their business. Identify Relevant Metrics First, the organization needs to know the me...
《商务智能:数据分析的管理视角 Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science:A Managerial Perspective》教学资源(习题,原书第4版)chapter 2 Descriptive Analytics I:Nature of Data, Statistical Modeling, and Visualization刷新页面文档预览 共11页,试读已结束,阅读完整版请下载刷新...
《商务智能:数据分析的管理视角 Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science:A Managerial Perspective》教学资源(教师手册,原书第4版)03 Descriptive Analytics II:Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing刷新页面文档预览 共32页,可试读12页,点击继续阅读 ↓↓刷新...