in the second person, while De Trinitate appeals more to the reader. These are both written by the bishop of Hippo after the ecumenical councils of Nicea (325CE) and Constantinople (381CE) where the Trinitarian doctrine of God was firmly established as well as the divinity of Jesus Christ,...
And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes” (Revelation 7:15-17). Those who have come out of the great tribulation will remain before the throne of God forever. With pure joy and adoration, they will serve Him night and day. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, will lead them to ...
Nativity, a theme in art depicting the newbornJesuswith theVirgin Maryand other figures, following descriptions of Christ’sbirthin theGospelsandApocrypha. An old and popular subject with a complicatediconography, the Nativity has been portrayed in a variety of different ways over the centuries. ...