No matter how spectacular the mansions in our Father’s house, dwelling with Jesus will be the most beautiful habitation of all. Welcomed into heaven by the Way, the Truth, and the Life, will be the culmination of the hope we have in Christ. Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/LeArchitecto2...
亨利•摩利斯博士(Dr. Henry M. Morris)在解释这分句时说: "祂为'我百姓'── 也就是以色列民族 ── 而死,证明这段经文中所提到的基督(既救世主)所指的不是以色列民族 (如许多人所宣称的那样)" (Henry M. Morris, Ph.D.,The Defender's Study Bible,Word Publishing, 1995年版, 第767页)。因此,真...
These are both written by the bishop of Hippo after the ecumenical councils of Nicea (325CE) and Constantinople (381CE) where the Trinitarian doctrine of God was firmly established as well as the divinity of Jesus Christ, hence his teachings on the Trinity aim to explain and …show more ...
2025 AJHD - SQ Religion - "The Life of Jesus Christ" (Pages 22-38) 老師7個詞語 holytrinityhawks 預覽 Key Concepts in Theology and Religious Traditions 15個詞語 oconnorpat 預覽 Overview of Judaism: History, Texts, and Branches 39個詞語 adsheets 預覽 bible quiz 1 15個詞語 tumleravery 預覽...
The Deposition(of Christ) was completed in 1507 on wooden panels by Raphael for Atlanta Baglione after the death of her son. The painting shows figures, one of which is the likeliness of Grifonetto Baglione, carrying Jesus away to his tomb. ...
I don't know what to do with CDs anymore: I get them, and they're like the especially nice garment bag they give you at the fancy suit shop: it's nice and you feel like a goof for throwing it out, but Christ, how many of these things can you usefully own? I can put ten ...
As Editor, Martin Manser wishes to thank all those who compiled or edited the NIV Thematic Study Bible, on which this work is based. 243 entries for 詩篇77-80 1030 God, compassion of 1030 God, compassion of An aspect of God’s nature which is reflect...