[8.26.2] There is also in Heraea a temple of Pan, as he is native to Arcadia, and of the temple of Hera I found remaining various ruins, including the pillars. Of Arcadian athletes the most renowned has been Damaretus of Heraea, who was the first to win the race in armour at ...
I. Initiation into the Eleusinian Mysteries: A ‘Thin’ Description was published in Initiation into the Mysteries of the Ancient World on page 1.
GreatPyramidof Can Giza you TajMahal ChichenItza EtgeylpltmGereatWallof China some India Mexico wondersChina Colosseuminthe Petra woItralldy Jordan WWhWhearhteadtdoiosyyoouurktnfhaoivnwokraitbeout TheGrTehaetPGyrwreaoamntdPideyrrooaffmGthiidzeaowifsoGrlidza??located?GreatPyramaniTddhelaoGrfgree...
Colossus of Rhodes, colossal statue of the sun god Helios that stood in the ancient Greek city of Rhodes and was one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The statue, which took 12 years to build (c. 294–282 BCE), was toppled by an earthquake about 225/226