The Description of Wales FIRST PREFACE to Stephen Langton, Archbishop of Canterbury I, who, at the expense of three years’ labour, arranged, a short time ago, in three parts, the Topography of Ireland, with a description of its natural curiosities, and who afterwards, by two years’ study...
Similar information is provided on the major independent 1% biker clubs— Warlocks, Mongols and Iron Horsemen. There is also a brief discussion of the role of puppet (support) clubs and the four black or interracial 1% biker clubs. This research, describing the clubs, is the first step ...
A hoof is a hard, flexible covering that protects the toes of ungulate mammals. Because all hoofed animals essentially walk on the tips of their toes, hooves provide a strong, insensitive surface to bear the weight of their bodies.
dealing with therepercussionsof the prophecies and events from the Book of Revelation coming true, such as a worldwide plague oflocustsand a globalearthquake. With literal and sometimes terrifying interpretations of theallegoriesand visions described in Revelation, the series features thefour horsemen of...