A description of intensive culture systems for the American Lobster ( Homarus americanus ) and other cannibalistic crustaceans. Proceedings 8th Annual Meeting World Aquaculture Society, 9–13 January 1977, San Jose, Costa Rica. 271–292.Van Olst, J. C., J. M. Carlberg & R. F. Ford. ...
F. (1977): A description of intensive culture system for the American lobster (Homarus americanus) and other cannibalistic crustaceans. Proc. 8th Ann. Workshops Wld Maricult. soc., San Jose, Costa Rica, 9-13 January, 271-292.Van Olst, J. C., J. M. Carlberg & R. F. Ford, 1977....
Jimenez-Fernandez Victor, Hernandez-Martinez Luis and Sarmiento Reyes Arturo, An iterative decomposed piecewise-linear representation, XII IBERCHIP Workshop, San Jose de Costa Rica, March, 2006.T. A. M. Kevenaar and D. M. W. Leenaerts, "A comparison of piecewise-linear model descriptions," ...
The distribution of this species is restricted to high mountain areas of Costa Rica and Panama and constitutes the most southern distribution of the genus on the American continent.Springer, MonikaBermudez-Monge, JennyUniv Costa Rica Museo Zool Escuela Biol San Jose 115012060 Costa RicaZootaxa...
calvescens.Antonio Alfaro-Alpizar, ManuelKoster, Sjaak J. C.Johnson, M. TracyRuben Badenes-Perez, FranciscoUniv Costa Rica Escuela Biol San Jose Costa RicaAnnals of the Entomological Society of America
F. (1977): A description of intensive culture system for the American lobster (Homarus americanus) and other cannibalistic crustaceans. Proc. 8th Ann. Workshops Wld Maricult. soc., San Jose, Costa Rica, 9-13 January, 271-292.Van Olst, J. C., J. M. Carlberg & R. F. Ford, 1977....
Kohlmann, BertVaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z.EARTH Univ San Jose Costa RicaRevista Brasileira de EntomologiaKohlmann B, Vaz-de-Mello FZ (in press) A new key for the species of Ateuchus Weber (Coleoptera:Scarabaeide: Scarabaeinae) occurring in Mexico, with description of the first North American...
San José: National TheatreThe National Theatre in San José, Costa Rica. Some of the city’s historic buildings include a 19th-century cathedral and the National Theatre, modeled after theParis Opéra. Downtown San José has a unique collection of plazascommemoratingthe country’s progressive and...