There is an undoubted original half-length portrait of this bishop in the Hall of Jesus College, Oxford. There are monuments to other members of the family in the church at Ross. In the pavement near the choir-aisle is a brass to John Philips, the author of The Splendid Shilling and of...
Crucifixion of Jesus The account ofJesus Christ’s crucifixion in theGospelsbegins with hisscourging. The Roman soldiers then mocked him as the “King of the Jews” by clothing him in a purple robe and a crown of thorns and led him slowly to Mount Calvary, orGolgotha; one Simon of Cyrene...
(the male pollen-producing structures). Above the stamens is the female structure, or ovary, at the top of which arise three widely spreading styles. Each style ends in a buttonlikestigma, giving an appearance rather like a large-headednail. The flowers can be minute, such as those of ...
Easter, Pentecost and, in the East, Epiphany were annually commemorated, before long anniversaries of martyrs were being observed, a system of feasts, fasts, and vigils was worked out, and so a Christian year was established. Church of the Holy SepulchreThe Altar of the Crucifixion at the ...
Pentecost, (Pentecost from Greekpentecostē, “50th day”), majorfestivalin the Christianchurch, celebrated on the Sunday that falls on the 50th day ofEaster. Itcommemoratesthe descent of theHoly Spiriton theApostlesand otherdisciplesfollowing the Crucifixion, Resurrection, andAscensionofJesus Christ(Ac...
The common name, which suits the extraordinary flavour of the fruit, originated with Christian missionaries who noted that various parts of the unusual flower are symbolic of the Passion ofJesus Christ(the last hours of his life, including the Crucifixion). The purple and white wiry filaments of...
Passion music is a musical setting of the suffering and Crucifixion of Christ, based either on biblical texts or poetic elaborations.
the Latin cross is surrounded on three sides byporticoes. To the east stands theNativityfacade with scenes celebratingJesus’ birth; on the west is the Passion facade, depicting Jesus’ Crucifixion; and the main entrance boasts the Glory facade, showing how humans can celebrate the divine glory...
Crown of thorns is popular as a houseplant and is grown in warm climates as a garden shrub. Flowering is year-round but most plentiful in wintertime in the Northern Hemisphere. The common name refers to the thorny crown Jesus was forced to wear during his crucifixion, with the red bracts ...
Lazarus, either of two figures mentioned in the New Testament. The miraculous story of Lazarus of Bethany being brought back to life by Jesus is known from the Gospel According to John. The name Lazarus was also used by Jesus in a parable about a rich ma