Classification of fruits structure major typesone carpeltwo or more carpels dry dehiscentfollicle—at maturity, the carpel splits down one side, usually the ventral suture; milkweed, columbine, peony, larkspur, marsh marigoldcapsule—from compound ovary, seeds shed in various ways—e.g., through...
Milkweed, genus of about 140 species of herbaceous perennial plants in the dogbane family (Apocynaceae). Milkweeds are found throughout North and South America, and several are cultivated as ornamentals. Learn more about milkweed species and characterist
Classification of fruits structure major typesone carpeltwo or more carpels dry dehiscentfollicle—at maturity, the carpel splits down one side, usually the ventral suture; milkweed, columbine, peony, larkspur, marsh marigoldcapsule—from compound ovary, seeds shed in various ways—e.g., through...
milkweed floss Bombax malabarica silk cotton tree See all related content kapok, (Ceiba pentandra), gigantic tropicaltreeand the seed-hairfibersobtained from its fruit. Common throughout the tropics, the kapok is native to the New World and to Africa and was transported toAsia, where it iscult...
Classification of fruits structure major typesone carpeltwo or more carpels dry dehiscentfollicle—at maturity, the carpel splits down one side, usually the ventral suture; milkweed, columbine, peony, larkspur, marsh marigoldcapsule—from compound ovary, seeds shed in various ways—e.g., through...
Tussock moth, any of a group of moths (order Lepidoptera), the common name for which is derived from the hair tufts, or tussocks, found on most larval forms. The large larvae are hairy, and many species have stinging hairs. Some forage from a silken tent