Hamilton's principle and the geometrically exact theory for shear-deformable beams serve as basis for the derivation of the equations of motion in the stretched coordinate. We introduce a generalized notion of variation that includes the boundaries of variable domains as unknowns and we discuss the...
C (2017) 77:341 DOI 10.1140/epjc/s10052-017-4845-2 Regular Article - Theoretical Physics General classical and quantum-mechanical description of magnetic resonance: an application to electric-dipole-moment experiments Alexander J. Silenko1,2,a 1 Research Institute for Nuclear Problems, Belarusian ...
A large painting by Alexander Pope dominates the largest of the private party rooms, the Lambs Room. Numerous photographs of the Shakespearean actors who form the original Lambs Club in London are on display. A pianist is available for the rooms Mason & Hamilton grand piano. The Lillie Lang...
History of THE BANK OF NEW YORK COMPANY, INC.Certain corporations come to bear the impress of a single, dominant individual, and for more than 200 years the Bank of New York has exemplified the fiscal policies, character, and even the temperament of its chief founder, Alexander Hamilton. ...
A new version of the general circulation model CNRM-CM has been developed jointly by CNRM-GAME (Centre National de Recherches MétéorologiquesR
Mira Fork –Alexander Gardner, Harvey S. Wade, James M. Turman, Hamilton Helms, Wm. A. Weeks, David Quesenberry, T. P. Jones, H. C. Jones, P. J. Wade, D. W. Sutphin, D. C. Hylton, Thomas Reed, C. L. Sutphin.
of this hierarchy of sensory/cognitive processes, as identified by the expert NIH panel, as major domains of cognitive dysfunction. Thus, the four projects spanned a range of perceptual and cognitive processes (see Figure1). This began with an examination of a basic inhibitory process during an...
Hamilton's principle and the geometrically exact theory for shear-deformable beams serve as basis for the derivation of the equations of motion in the stretched coordinate. We introduce a generalized notion of variation that includes the boundaries of variable domains as unknowns and we discuss the...
In particular, a condition of the algebras' stability with respect to transformations of the 2D-basis turns out equivalent to the spinor (Schru00f6dingeru2013Pauli and Hamiltonu2013Jacobi) equations of mechanics. It is also demonstrated that isomorphism of SO(3, 1) and SO(3, u2102) groups...
Alexander N. Avtukh 4, Vera M. Tereshina 1, Andrey V. Mardanov 5, Nurlan S. Zhaparov 6 and Tamara N. Nazina 1,*1 Winogradsky Institute of Microbiology, Research Center of Biotechnology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 119071, Russia 2 SciBear OU, Tartu mnt 67/1-13b, 1011...