Foissner W.Descriptions of two new, mycophagous soil ciliates (Ciliophora, Colpodea):Fugiphrya strobli n.g. sp.and Grossglockneria ovata n.sp.Journal of Eukaryotic Microbioligy. 1999Foissner W.Descriptions of two new, mycophagous soil ciliates (Ciliophora, Colpodea):Fugiphrya strobli...
The genus Anthracocystis (Ustilaginales, Ustilaginaceae) was recently reinstated for grass-infecting species of smut fungi that have sori with a peridium c
In spite of the divestments, Smith & Wesson was a company on the decline in the early to mid-1980s. Its entry into the semiautomatic handgun market was the move of a follower, not a market leader. The U.S. units of two foreign gunmakers, Austria's Glock GmbH and Italy's Beretta ...
Plastic explosives and the mostly-plastic handgun, the Glock 17, could be smuggled through security inspections undetected. Specially designed innovations like American Science & Engineering Inc.'s Model Z scanner sought ways to tighten security. The Z-scanner concentrates a high intensity beam of ...
(17) In particular, the Commission should be empowered to: grant derogations from certain parts of this Regulation where the law of an importing country so requires; lay down a maximum level of sweetening for rounding off; grant a derogation from the rules governing the indication of a maturat...
Peter MiillerHannes GlocknerJurgen TomasPowder Technology: An International Journal on the Science and Technology of Wet and Dry Particulate Systems