Discusses an improved description of Strombidium sulcatum. Definition of strombidium sulcatum; Prominent protuberance in stained specimens; Type materials for strombidium sulcatum.GrandaEcologyAng&eagraveEcologylicaEcologyP.EcologyMontagnesEcologyDavid...
La thrombopénie induite par l'héparine de type II (TIH) est une pathologie grave, secondaire à la production d'anticorps dirigés contre le complexe héparine–facteur-4-plaquettaire (PF4) et compliquant environ 2 % des traitements par héparine non fractionnée (HNF). Le but de ...
Bangen M, Grave K, Nordmo R (1994) Description and evalu- ation of a new surveillance programme for drug use in fish farming in Norway. Aquaculture 199:109-118M. Bangena K. Gravea R. Nordmob and N. E. Sø,lic.Description and evaluation of a new surveillance programme for drug ...
In primigravidae, the complexity of the placental infection was associated with occurrence of low birth weight. The results also reveal the ability of some parasite genotypes to persist over several weeks and, still found in the placenta at delivery particularly when the host anti-VAR2CSA antibody...
Brief description of the surface gravee of a semiconductor or - insulator, circuits integrated obtained according to such a process and apparatus for anodic oxidation in such a technical óoeuvre.The present invention relates to a process for the treatment of an engraved surface of a semi ...
ETentillier, MDupont, MThicoïpé, M.EPetitjean, FSztark, PLassié, FMasson, PDabadie. (2004) Description d'un protocole de prise en charge préhospitalière du traumatisé crânien grave. Annales Françaises d'Anesthésie et de Réanimation 23 , 109-115 /...