Some words for describing a person Honest Dishonest Persistent 坚持的, 百折不挠的; 固执的 Irresponsible 无责任感的; 不负责任的; 不可靠的 Sentimental 感伤性的, 感情脆弱的 Spineless 无骨气的,软弱的;Courageous 勇敢的, 有胆量的 Bad-tempered 坏脾气的 Softhearted 好心肠的; ...
I am in need of a word(s) or term(s)for a person who willingly, openly, and unapologetically abuses the power or influence they have over other peoples lives,more precisely; people who have control or strong influence over integral aspects of another's ...
文档标签: describing a person 系统标签: describing words 好心肠 softhearted brainwash 难处理 SomewordsfordescribingapersonHonestDishonestPersistent坚持的,百折不挠的;固执的Irresponsible无责任感的;不负责任的;不可靠的Sentimental感伤性的,感情脆弱的Spineless无骨气的,软弱的;Courageous勇敢的,有胆量的Bad-tempered...
Match the adjectives to their justifications and say a few words about your friends and relatives.Adjectives 1.generous 2.talkative 3.energetic 4.intelligent 5.bossy 6.outgoing 7.rude 8.impatient 9.popular 10.selfish 11.well-dressedJustifications a.always buys family presents b.always tells people...
Unit 3 Describing a person 词汇表 General good-looking, beautiful, pretty, handsome, gorgeous, charming, attractive, cute, lovely; ugly, unattractive, unsightly, hideous, grotesque Height tall, short, of medium-height Build thin, slim, slender, lean, skinny, scrawny, slight, gaunt, underweight...
雅思-words for describing a__ person 星级: 2页 useful words and expressions 星级: 35 页 describing a person 星级: 49 页 useful words and expressions 星级: 21 页 Useful words and expressions 星级: 2页 useful words and expressions 星级: 2页 USEFUL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS OF DESCRIBING...
When using adjectives to describe a person’s personality, you can use one of two types of words: positive or negative. When you use a positive adjective, you are creating a positive image of the character. Negative adjectives, on the other hand, spotlight the negative characteristics of a ...
The author spends a lot of words describing the ordinary life of a person at first and then shows how this person becomes a hero in an unexpected situation. What writing technique does this belong to? A. Contrast B. Foreshadowing C. 铺垫 D. 象征 ...
顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数: 0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 外语学习--英语写作 系统标签: 词汇表describingadjpersonattractivescrawny 1Unit3Describingaperson词汇表Haircolordark,black,fair,blond/blonde,golden,brown,chestnut,sandy,ginger,white,gray,silverconditionglossy/shiny,lustrous,dull,greasy,dry,thick...
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