Note that there is one word more than you need.The rise in stories describing events that never happened, often involving fake people in fake places, has led to Facebook and Google's (1) Bto deal with them. But are we really so easy to fool? According to several stud...
9.4. Being a member of segment 6 implies a positive association with high 206 9 Step 7: Describing Segments moral obligation to behave environmentally friendly, and a negative association with membership in the lowest moral obligation category. 9.2.2 Metric Descriptor Variables R package lattice (...
The q-generalized systemic state is mathematically well-defined positive semidefinite matrix possessing eigenvalues that are equal or larger than zero (and, thus, a proper density matrix) [23,24]. A similar description of networks through a state corresponding to a normal matrix exponential in the...
Vidaliastarts a local SOCKS5 proxy when launched. My client needed to configure its HTTP agents to use it. Luckily, thesocksify gemallows me to do just that. This hacky approach changes the SOCKS proxy state of every socket in the application after it'sauto_configure!ed, though. require'so...